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30 transformational books
Books, Productivity Tekey W Books, Productivity Tekey W

30 transformational books

On the heels of my 30th Birthday, I challenged myself to read 30 books for the year. I embarked on this journey full of optimism but NO Plan on how I would do it.

I knew that If I just read, the plan would come and it did. Now I don’t recommend just winging it in life, but for this, it worked. As I read some books, they made reference to others and it took me down a wonderful path!

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Let’s Talk Goals
Productivity Sabatini Ferdinand Productivity Sabatini Ferdinand

Let’s Talk Goals

I don't believe we have to wait until the start of a new year to reinvent ourselves, to make changes in our lives, or to work towards accomplishing something on our to-do list. Each day is an opportunity to start over and get things done.

With that being said, I do believe in setting goals and crushing them & I do believe in taking advantage of a clean slate, I just feel as though our motivation shouldn't come only at the start of a new year.

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