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Read my thoughts & life tips on the blog

Tekey W Tekey W


This is especially focused on new parents, but it applies whether you are new parents, old parents or not even parents at all...here are a few things you should really consider with a big life event.

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30 transformational books
Books, Productivity Tekey W Books, Productivity Tekey W

30 transformational books

On the heels of my 30th Birthday, I challenged myself to read 30 books for the year. I embarked on this journey full of optimism but NO Plan on how I would do it.

I knew that If I just read, the plan would come and it did. Now I don’t recommend just winging it in life, but for this, it worked. As I read some books, they made reference to others and it took me down a wonderful path!

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Let’s Talk Goals
Productivity Sabatini Ferdinand Productivity Sabatini Ferdinand

Let’s Talk Goals

I don't believe we have to wait until the start of a new year to reinvent ourselves, to make changes in our lives, or to work towards accomplishing something on our to-do list. Each day is an opportunity to start over and get things done.

With that being said, I do believe in setting goals and crushing them & I do believe in taking advantage of a clean slate, I just feel as though our motivation shouldn't come only at the start of a new year.

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the big b word - budget
Tekey W Tekey W

the big b word - budget

You want to discover the magic of mastering your finances in 2021. It starts with one word, BUDGET. Budgeting is the first step to financial literacy and freedom.

Budgeting allows you to create a plan for your money and ensures you have enough for everything you need. Budgeting most importantly allows you to control your money instead of your money controlling you.

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